Denison Ministries

The information on this page was last updated 4/25/2024. If you see errors or omissions, please email: [email protected]


Denison Ministries is a family of content brands that includes Denison Forum, First15, Christian Parenting, and Foundations with Janet Denison. The ministry creates unique and specific written, audio, and video content principally on digital platforms like web, email, social, and Youtube. Periodically the ministry also offers printed publications. Their purpose is to create Christ-centered content that equips believers to transform culture.

Contact information

Mailing address:
Denison Ministries
17304 Preston Rd.
Suite 1060
Dallas, TX 75252


Phone: (214) 705-3710

Email: [email protected]

Organization details

EIN: 263191442

CEO/President: Jim Denison / Jeff Byrd

Chairman: David Watson

Board size: 5

Founder: Jim Denison and Jeff Byrd

Ruling year: 2016

Tax deductible: Yes

Fiscal year end: 12/31

Member of ECFA: Yes

Member of ECFA since: 2016


Denison Ministries was founded in Dallas, Texas in 2009 by Dr. Jim Denison and Jeff Byrd to facilitate a spiritual awakening by equipping Christian believers to engage with the issues and news of the day from a biblical perspective initially through the Denison Forum brand. Today this brand continues to provide leading insight for discerning today's news and cultural events from a biblical perspective.

Since 2009, Denison Ministries has added three other content offerings to its family of brands: First15, a devotional and personal worship brand designed to help believers have an encounter with God that leads them to a sincere search to love God and others; Christian Parenting, offering parents the spiritual and practical help they need to become perfectly "imperfect" parents; Denison Forum, helping believers engage in today's news from a biblical perspective; and Foundations with Janet Denison a Bible study brand teaching people about the transforming power of scripture by helping them to learn how to study the Bible and apply God's truth to their lives.

Mission statement

Denison Ministries exists to equip believers to understand and respond to today's contemporary cultural challenges. We believe that Christ-centered content transforms lives. And transformed lives transform the world around them.

Statement of faith

Denison Ministries is an interdenominational organization. Our nonsectarian identity causes some to ask what we believe. The following faith statement is intended to clarify our theological commitments.

One of the earliest declarations of faith in Christian history is the "Apostle's Creed." Forms of it are used today by Catholics, Anglicans, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Methodists, and many non-denominational churches. Its name comes from the early tradition that each of the twelve apostles dictated part of it after Pentecost. As a result, the statement is traditionally divided into twelve articles. Our ministry affirms each assertion:

1. "I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth."

There is only one God (Deuteronomy 6:4). He is our Father (Matthew 6:9) and reigns over the universe as the Lord Almighty (Revelation 4:2-11). He created all that exists as Father (Genesis 1:1), Son (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16-17), and Spirit (Gen. 1:2).

2. "And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord."

"Jesus" means "Savior" (Matthew 1:21), the one who came "to seek and to save what was lost" (Luke 19:10). "Christ" means "Messiah" (John 1:41), the one anointed by God to rule the nations (Psalm 2:1-9). He is God's "only Son" (Matt. 3:17; 16:16). He is "Lord," our Master and King (Rev. 22:20). He came to inaugurate the Kingdom of God (Matt. 4:17), and will consummate it at his return (Rev. 19:16). He calls us to extend his Kingdom (Matt. 10:7) by leading all people (Matt. 28:19; Acts 1:8) to make him their King.

3. "He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary."

Jesus chose to leave heaven for earth (Philippians 2:6-7) to be conceived physically by the power of the Holy Spirit in the body of the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:34-35). His Incarnation was the miracle by which he became Immanuel, "God with us" (Matt. 1:23).

4. "He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried."

Jesus' physical life and death (Luke 23:46) are documented by the Scriptures and by Roman and Jewish historians as well. He came to be "the atoning sacrifice for our sins" (1 John 2:2), dying in our place (2 Corinthians 5:21) to pay the penalty for our sins and purchase our salvation (Rom. 5:8-9).

5. "On the third day he rose again from the dead."

Jesus' physical resurrection (Matt. 28:1-10) is the miracle which proves his divinity (1 Cor. 15:12-20). He rose again as he promised (Matt. 16:21), proving that God's word is authoritative (Matt. 28:18), trustworthy (Matt. 5:18) and relevant today (2 Timothy 3:16-17). His resurrection was the central affirmation of early Christian preaching (Acts 2:29-33; 17:31).

6. "He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father."

Jesus' ascension (Acts 1:9) further proved his divinity. He is now "at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us" (Rom. 8:34).

7. "He will come again to judge the living and the dead."

As Jesus ascended to heaven, so he will return visibly to earth again one day (Acts 1:10-11). Christians do not know when Jesus will return (Matt. 24:36), so we must be ready for him to come today (Luke 12:40).

8. "I believe in the Holy Spirit,"

The Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:4, 9). He indwells every believer at salvation (Rom. 8:18; 1 Cor. 3:16). His gifts for ministry (1 Cor. 12:28-29; Rom. 12:6-8; Eph. 4:11-13) are still operative today. We are called to submit to his leadership and seek his power for service every day (Ephesians 5:18).

9. "The holy Christian Church, the communion of saints,"

The Church was founded by Jesus (Matt. 16:18) and is his body for ministry today (1 Cor. 12:27). All believers (1 Cor. 12:13) from all time (Hebrews 12:1) are part of the universal Church.

10. "The forgiveness of sins,"

We are saved by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8-9). Salvation is a gift from God (Rom. 6:23). We must each receive this gift personally (John 3:3) by confessing our sins to God (Proverbs 28:13) with repentance (Acts 3:19; 2 Cor. 7:10), asking Jesus to forgive them (Luke 11:4) and trusting in him as our Lord and Master (Rom. 10:13).

When we make this commitment to Jesus, he makes us a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17) and holds us in his hand forever (John 10:28). As believers, we must continue to confess our sins to God and seek his forgiving grace (1 John 1:8-10). Since the results of sin are death (Rom. 6:23), those who refuse God's offer of salvation in Christ are separated from him forever in hell (John 3:18; Rev. 20:15).

11. "The resurrection of the body,"

Jesus' resurrection assures us of eternal life with him (1 Cor. 15:22). Believers never die (John 11:25-26). At the moment of physical death, we are instantly united with Jesus in Paradise (Luke 23:43).

12. "And life everlasting."

Christians will spend eternity with God in imperishable bodies (1 Cor. 15:42-44, 53-55), worshipping him forever (Rev. 5:13). Jesus came to give us abundant life now (John 10:10) and eternal life with him in heaven (John 14:1-3).

These statements constitute "the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints" (Jude 3). They form the theological foundation for all our ministry does to extend God's Kingdom around the world (Habakkuk 2:14).

Donor confidence score

Show donor confidence score details

Transparency grade


To understand our transparency grade, click here.

Financial efficiency ratings

Sector: Christian Growth

CategoryRatingOverall rankSector rank
Overall efficiency rating884 of 110649 of 60
Fund acquisition rating878 of 110749 of 60
Resource allocation rating1009 of 110751 of 60
Asset utilization rating360 of 110624 of 60

Financial ratios

Funding ratiosSector median201920182017
Return on fundraising efforts Return on fundraising efforts =
Fundraising expense /
Total contributions
Fundraising cost ratio Fundraising cost ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total revenue
Contributions reliance Contributions reliance =
Total contributions /
Total revenue
Fundraising expense ratio Fundraising expense ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total expenses
Other revenue reliance Other revenue reliance =
Total other revenue /
Total revenue
Operating ratiosSector median201920182017
Program expense ratio Program expense ratio =
Program services /
Total expenses
Spending ratio Spending ratio =
Total expenses /
Total revenue
Program output ratio Program output ratio =
Program services /
Total revenue
Savings ratio Savings ratio =
Surplus (deficit) /
Total revenue
Reserve accumulation rate Reserve accumulation rate =
Surplus (deficit) /
Net assets
General and admin ratio General and admin ratio =
Management and general expense /
Total expenses
Investing ratiosSector median201920182017
Total asset turnover Total asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total assets
Degree of long-term investment Degree of long-term investment =
Total assets /
Total current assets
Current asset turnover Current asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total current assets
Liquidity ratiosSector median201920182017
Current ratio Current ratio =
Total current assets /
Total current liabilities
Current liabilities ratio Current liabilities ratio =
Total current liabilities /
Total current assets
Liquid reserve level Liquid reserve level =
(Total current assets -
Total current liabilities) /
(Total expenses / 12)
Solvency ratiosSector median201920182017
Liabilities ratio Liabilities ratio =
Total liabilities /
Total assets
Debt ratio Debt ratio =
Debt /
Total assets
Reserve coverage ratio Reserve coverage ratio =
Net assets /
Total expenses


Balance sheet
Receivables, inventories, prepaids$750$16,500$10,455
Short-term investments$516,759$472,622$529,064
Other current assets$0$0$0
Total current assets$3,201,333$2,652,179$2,619,678
Long-term investments$0$0$0
Fixed assets$52,386$70,014$75,066
Other long-term assets$33,521$31,292$30,752
Total long-term assets$85,907$101,306$105,818
Total assets$3,287,240$2,753,485$2,725,496
Payables and accrued expenses$190,961$51,593$154,216
Other current liabilities$45,785$373$7,799
Total current liabilities$236,746$51,966$162,015
Due to (from) affiliates$0$0$0
Other long-term liabilities$0$0$0
Total long-term liabilities$0$0$0
Total liabilities$236,746$51,966$162,015
Net assets201920182017
Without donor restrictions$2,533,735$2,228,897$2,045,698
With donor restrictions$516,759$472,622$517,783
Net assets$3,050,494$2,701,519$2,563,481
Revenues and expenses
Total contributions$4,559,424$3,249,926$3,869,879
Program service revenue$4,779$38,639$24,977
Membership dues$0$0$0
Investment income$79,421($12,456)$28,742
Other revenue($19,929)$0$0
Total other revenue$64,271$26,183$53,719
Total revenue$4,623,695$3,276,109$3,923,598
Program services$3,038,772$1,992,754$1,835,079
Management and general$798,375$803,895$778,725
Total expenses$4,274,720$3,138,071$2,874,400
Change in net assets201920182017
Surplus (deficit)$348,975$138,038$1,049,198
Other changes in net assets$0$0$0
Total change in net assets$348,975$138,038$1,049,198


Dr Jim DenisonPresident/Director$235,253
Jeff ByrdChief Operating Officer$195,839

Compensation data as of: 12/31/2015

Response from ministry

No response has been provided by this ministry.

The information below was provided to MinistryWatch by the ministry itself. It was last updated 4/25/2024. To update the information below, please email: [email protected]


"You are the light of the world." - Matthew 5:14

That's what Jesus says of you and me. We are created and called to illuminate the reality of God's truth and love on the earth.

But every day we're inundated with conflicting messages about who God is and what really matters in life. Politics divide us when Christ seeks to unify us. Work consumes us when Christ calls us to first be, then do. Media distracts us, robbing us of the time and mental space we need to abide in Christ. All together our lived experience does more to shroud the glory of God within us than to call forth the light of God's glory and grace.

And all the while our world grows darker, in desperate need the spiritual and societal renewal that only comes as God's people illuminate his goodness on the earth. But as the world grows darker, the opportunity grows greater.

Christians should have the resources they need to shine the light of Christ already within them. No amount of inundation or distraction from the world should be able to crowd out the light of God moving in, through, and around us.

And through the connection between meaningful content and technological innovation, we can resource and equip Christians on devices they already use with the encouragement they need in the moment. And the world will change as God's people are resourced and transformed. Because...

Meaningful content transforms lives. And transformed lives transform the world around them.

Millions of believers look to Denison Ministries for the resources and encouragement they need. And lives, business, families, and societies are transforming as God's people shine the light of God brighter every day.

But still too few are saying "yes" to the ongoing work of being transformed by God so they can transform the world around them.

And at the pace the world is moving, we need to act quickly to bring about a true awakening of God's truth and love.

Program accomplishments
