Life Action Ministries

The information on this page was last updated 5/12/2023. If you see errors or omissions, please email: [email protected]


We aim to invite multitudes of people to say YES to God, jump-starting a fresh movement among believers toward mission, justice, and revival, while inviting many others to authentically engage with Jesus for the first time.

This surrendered and enthusiastic YES changes everything about a person's soul, family, work, dreams, and community. It begins with a small step of humility, listening and learning from Jesus, repenting and renewing (or beginning) a walk with God. It's a simple awakening to what really matters, leading to revived life.

At Life Action, we're praying fervently toward the day when this "yes" attitude is the rule rather than the exception; when millions of people, astonished and excited by the work of God in their lives, are living on bold mission for Christ. Only then will we see the shattering of divisions, injustice, and lostness around us, and only then can we forge into a new future for the church defined by the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

It can begin in the smallest places-in honest, intimate moments with Jesus; in surrendered wills and in daily decisions. It can begin with your next yes to God.

Contact information

Mailing address:
Life Action Ministries
PO Box 31
Buchanan, MI 49107


Phone: 269-697-8600

Email: [email protected]

Organization details

EIN: 382157686

CEO/President: Donny Vanker

Chairman: Mr. Chad Williams

Board size: 11

Founder: Mr. Del Fehsenfeld, Jr.

Ruling year: 1977

Tax deductible: Yes

Fiscal year end: 05/31

Member of ECFA: Yes

Member of ECFA since: 1989


We dream of millions of God-astonished lives, in action with Him, shattering divisions, injustice, and lostness. We help people thrive by inspiring them toward a lifestyle of saying YES to God. We do this through relationships, church experiences, camps, retreats, and resources.

Mission statement

Our mission is to inspire your next yes to God.

Statement of faith

Life Action Ministries uses the following to communicate its faith:

We believe in one God, Creator and Lord of the universe, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is God's authoritative, inspired Word. It is without error in all its teachings, including creation, history, its own origins and salvation. It is the supreme and final authority in all matters of belief and conduct.

We believe that Jesus Christ, God's Son, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary atoning death on the Cross, rose bodily from the dead and ascended to heaven, where as truly God and truly man, He is the only mediator between God and man.

We believe in the necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit for the individual's new birth and growth to maturity and for the Church's constant renewal in truth, wisdom, faith, holiness, love, power, and mission. Every believer is called to live and walk in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit so that he will bear fruit to the glory of God and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

We believe that all people are lost sinners and cannot see the Kingdom of God, except through the new birth which takes place through repentance of sin and faith toward God. Justification is by grace through faith in Christ alone.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church which is made up of all believers everywhere in the world, and locally the church is a group of baptized believers who are organized to do God's will. Its calling is to worship God, and witness concerning its Head, Jesus Christ, preaching the Gospel among all nations and demonstrating its commitment by compassionate service to the needs of human beings and by promoting righteousness and justice.

We believe that Jesus Christ will personally and visibly return in glory to raise the dead and bring salvation and judgment to completion. God will fully manifest His Kingdom when He establishes a new heaven and new earth, in which He will be glorified forever and exclude all evil, suffering, and death.

Donor confidence score

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Transparency grade


To understand our transparency grade, click here.

Financial efficiency ratings

Sector: Christian Growth

CategoryRatingOverall rankSector rank
Overall efficiency rating321 of 110616 of 60
Fund acquisition rating343 of 110716 of 60
Resource allocation rating647 of 110729 of 60
Asset utilization rating280 of 110619 of 60

Financial ratios

Funding ratiosSector median20222021202020192018
Return on fundraising efforts Return on fundraising efforts =
Fundraising expense /
Total contributions
Fundraising cost ratio Fundraising cost ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total revenue
Contributions reliance Contributions reliance =
Total contributions /
Total revenue
Fundraising expense ratio Fundraising expense ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total expenses
Other revenue reliance Other revenue reliance =
Total other revenue /
Total revenue
Operating ratiosSector median20222021202020192018
Program expense ratio Program expense ratio =
Program services /
Total expenses
Spending ratio Spending ratio =
Total expenses /
Total revenue
Program output ratio Program output ratio =
Program services /
Total revenue
Savings ratio Savings ratio =
Surplus (deficit) /
Total revenue
Reserve accumulation rate Reserve accumulation rate =
Surplus (deficit) /
Net assets
General and admin ratio General and admin ratio =
Management and general expense /
Total expenses
Investing ratiosSector median20222021202020192018
Total asset turnover Total asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total assets
Degree of long-term investment Degree of long-term investment =
Total assets /
Total current assets
Current asset turnover Current asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total current assets
Liquidity ratiosSector median20222021202020192018
Current ratio Current ratio =
Total current assets /
Total current liabilities
Current liabilities ratio Current liabilities ratio =
Total current liabilities /
Total current assets
Liquid reserve level Liquid reserve level =
(Total current assets -
Total current liabilities) /
(Total expenses / 12)
Solvency ratiosSector median20222021202020192018
Liabilities ratio Liabilities ratio =
Total liabilities /
Total assets
Debt ratio Debt ratio =
Debt /
Total assets
Reserve coverage ratio Reserve coverage ratio =
Net assets /
Total expenses


Balance sheet
Receivables, inventories, prepaids$591,295$398,210$668,844$744,088$756,916
Short-term investments$3,555,446$2,000,411$1,885,601$359,432$1,274,564
Other current assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total current assets$7,463,755$5,571,964$5,349,662$4,553,537$4,818,827
Long-term investments$0$0$0$0$0
Fixed assets$6,297,711$6,354,014$6,313,312$6,323,738$6,371,345
Other long-term assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total long-term assets$6,297,711$6,354,014$6,313,312$6,323,738$6,371,345
Total assets$13,761,466$11,925,978$11,662,974$10,877,275$11,190,172
Payables and accrued expenses$893,062$804,469$692,633$676,049$600,690
Other current liabilities$1,194,722$675,705$506,115$867,080$1,307,334
Total current liabilities$2,087,784$1,480,174$1,198,748$1,543,129$1,908,024
Due to (from) affiliates$0$0$0$0$0
Other long-term liabilities$0$1,565,717$1,565,717$0$0
Total long-term liabilities$0$1,565,717$1,565,717$0$0
Total liabilities$2,087,784$3,045,891$2,764,465$1,543,129$1,908,024
Net assets20222021202020192018
Without donor restrictions$11,175,614$8,666,636$8,386,515$8,762,282$8,807,058
With donor restrictions$498,068$213,451$511,994$571,864$475,090
Net assets$11,673,682$8,880,087$8,898,509$9,334,146$9,282,148
Revenues and expenses
Total contributions$18,627,250$13,926,318$13,078,341$12,543,729$11,978,549
Program service revenue$1,572,001$342,385$1,767,008$1,945,846$1,405,908
Membership dues$0$0$0$0$0
Investment income$53,152$14,710$73,984$142,273$48,746
Other revenue$608,255$612,094$682,927$973,181$654,391
Total other revenue$2,233,408$969,189$2,523,919$3,061,300$2,109,045
Total revenue$20,860,658$14,895,507$15,602,260$15,605,029$14,087,594
Program services$14,749,190$12,169,161$12,937,824$12,677,835$11,657,286
Management and general$2,384,101$2,053,250$2,167,905$2,014,188$1,752,380
Total expenses$17,940,746$14,953,305$16,005,695$15,572,302$14,204,936
Change in net assets20222021202020192018
Surplus (deficit)$2,919,912($57,798)($403,435)$32,727($117,342)
Other changes in net assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total change in net assets$2,919,912($57,798)($403,435)$32,727($117,342)


Donnell VankerPresident/CEO$164,005
Martin JonesSecretary/Treasurer$129,660
Janine NelsonRoh Director of Marketing$127,783
Nancy WolgemuthRoh Division President$124,129
Delbert Fehsenfeld IIIChief Pastoral Officer$106,012
Byron PaulusBoard Member/President Onecry$81,843
Charles HogeCFO - Part Year$33,000

Compensation data as of: 5/31/2022

Response from ministry

No response has been provided by this ministry.

The information below was provided to MinistryWatch by the ministry itself. It was last updated 5/12/2023. To update the information below, please email: [email protected]


In 1971, God placed on the heart of a youth director and his wife a vision for spiritual awakening in North America. Life Action Ministries was birthed as a result of the faith and obedience of that young couple, Del and Judy Fehsenfeld.

Del went home to be with the Lord in 1989. To the end of his life, he was fervent in praying and believing God to reveal His glory in our land.

In the years since Del's homegoing, God has sustained and expanded the outreach of the ministry founded by this faithful servant. Today some 150 Life Action staff members are continuing to proclaim the message of revival through local church crusades, musical/media productions, retreats and conferences, and revival-oriented publications.

Program accomplishments
