Screens and Parameters

The BRII database provides information on 13 broad screens comprising 64 individual parameters:

CategoryDescriptionFailure period1
Abortion2 (11 parameters)
ContributorContributes to abortion activist organization5 years
DistributorWholesale or retail distributor of abortifacients (excluding Emergency Contraceptives and RU-486)1 year
Emergency Contraceptive DistributorWholesale or retail distributor of Emergency Contraceptives1 year
Emergency Contraceptive ManufacturerDevelops/manufactures Emergency Contraceptives1 year
Employee SponsorSponsors abortions for employees by providing coverage or reimbursement for travel or lodging expenses associated with abortion procedures1 year
Hospital/Surgical CenterPerforms elective abortions (surgical or medical)1 year
InsurerInsures elective abortions (surgical or medical)1 year
Insurer RequiredDue to government requirements, insures elective abortions (surgical or medical)1 year
ManufacturerDevelops/manufactures abortifacients or products utilized in the abortion process (excluding Emergency Contraceptives and RU-486)1 year
RU-486 DistributorWholesale or retail distributor of RU-4861 year
RU-486 ManufacturerDevelops/manufactures RU-4861 year
Alcohol (2 parameters)
DistributorWholesale distributor of alcohol2 years
ManufacturerManufactures alcohol2 years
Anti-Family Activity (3 parameters)
Entertainment AdvertiserAdvertises on TV programs that have the most violence, offensive language, sexual content1 year
Entertainment Gay FocusProduces, distributes media content (TV, radio, print, Internet, etc.) with an exclusively gay focus1 year
Entertainment Producer/DistributorProduces/distributes TV programs, movies, videos with violence, offensive language, sexual content (including nudity but not hard core pornography)1 year
Bioethics (2 parameters)
CloningEngaged in reproductive or therapeutic cloning, embryo harvesting, and related activities2 years
Stem CellEngaged in human embryonic stem cell or aborted human fetal tissue production, research, and related services2 years
Contraceptives (1 parameter)
ManufacturerManufactures contraceptives (excluding abortifacients, Emergency Contraceptives and RU-486)2 years
Gaming (8 parameters)
Betting ShopOwns/operates betting shop2 years
BingoOwns/operates bingo gambling2 years
CasinoOwns/operates casino2 years
InternetOwns/operates Internet, interactive TV, mobile phone gambling2 years
LotteryOwns/operates lottery2 years
ManufacturerManufactures gaming equipment or software2 years
MiscellaneousOperates electronic gaming devices in non-gaming locations; operates card rooms; produces gaming TV programming; provides consulting, payment processing and other services to the gambling industry2 years
Pari-MutuelOwns/operates race track, sports wagering/spread betting2 years
Human Rights (5 parameters)
ArmamentsProvides military equipment and/or weapons products, systems, or technology to terrorist-sponsoring nations5-10 years3
Dangerous NationConducts business with terrorist sponsoring nation3 years
Oppressive RegimeConducts business with country that mistreats its people1 year (or 3)
Sudan OtherCompanies with business activity in Sudan, excluding oil exploration and production operations1 year (or 3)
Sudan PetroleumCompanies with oil exploration, production operations in Sudan1 year (or 3)
Low-Income Financial Services (9 parameters)
Auto Title LenderProvides automobile title loan/pawn lending services2 years
Buy Here/Pay Here Car LenderProvides on-site-used-car-lot high interest loans2 years
Check CasherProvides high fee check cashing services2 years
MiscellaneousEngages in discriminatory lending, provides products or services exclusively or primarily to exploitive businesses, engages in other exploitive activity2 years
Money TransferProvides high fee money transfer services2 years
Pawn ShopOwns/operates pawn shop2 years
Pay Day LoanProvides pay day loans2 years
Refund Anticipation LoanProvides refund anticipation loans2 years
Rent To OwnOwns/operates rent-to-own business2 years
Marijuana (5 parameters)
Distributor (Medical)Wholesale or retail distributor of medical marijuana2 years
Distributor (Non-Medical)Wholesale or retail distributor of non-medical marijuana2 years
Manufacturer (Medical)Manufactures medical marijuana2 years
Manufacturer (Non-Medical)Manufactures non-medical marijuana2 years
MiscellaneousProvides miscellaneous services to the marijuana industry2 years
Non-Married Lifestyles (8 parameters)
ContributorContributes to LGBT activist organization5 years
InsurerInsures sex reassignment surgery1 year (or 100)
Most ActiveMost active promoter of the LGBT lifestyle1 year
Political AdvocateEngaged in active political support and advocacy for LGBT initiatives5 years
Pride MonthOfficially celebrates LGBT Pride Month27 months
SponsorSponsors LGBT events2 years
TrailblazerWas the first to embrace new LGBT initiatives100 years
Transgender BenefitsProvides sex reassignment surgery for employees1 year (or 100)
Pornography4 (4 parameters)
Cabaret OperatorOwns, operates, licenses "adult" clubs1 year
DistributorDistributes pornography (excluding via Internet) (Includes any form of porn: film, print, audio, etc.)1 year
InternetEngaged in any form of Internet porn activity (Includes Internet porn distribution, production, web hosting, advertising, referrals, partnerships/network arrangements, consulting, payment processing, etc.)1 year
ProducerProduces pornography (excluding Internet porn) (Includes any form of porn: film, print, audio, etc.)1 year
Positive Activity (4 parameters)
Christian OrientationHas distinct Christian orientation and/or Christian management/board of directors1 year
Corporate ChaplainProvides corporate chaplain to employees2 years
Employees GroupHas a Christian employees group2 years
Entertainment Producer/DistributorProduces/distributes family-friendly TV shows, movies, videos1 year
Tobacco (2 parameters)
DistributorWholesale distributor of tobacco2 years
ManufacturerManufactures tobacco products2 years

1. Failure periods vary from one parameter to another based upon a variety of factors (e.g., the nature of the activity and the type and availability of confirmation sources). As well, several parameters, themselves, have varying failure periods depending upon the failure confirmation source used. Note also that 100 year failure periods are given, in general, when selected parameters that relate to fixed corporate policies are confirmed on the basis of a primary source. In the unlikely event that a company policy does change, our ordinary research process will discover this information.

2. BRII defines an elective abortion as either a surgical or medical abortion that is performed under any circumstances, except when the mother's life is threatened by continuing the pregnancy.

3. A company will fail HR-A initially for five years. A review of the situation may result in extending the failure period for an additional five years.

4. BRII defines pornography as material that includes nudity and/or graphic sexual content for the purpose of sexual arousal. Also included is material that has been altered by pixelization or other means and that otherwise would depict nudity and graphic sexual content.